Causes of Ovarian Cysts – There are a number of different causes of ovarian cysts due to the fact that not all of these cysts are the same type is cause for concern. It is normal for your ovaries to grow cyst-like structures each month. These follicles produce estrogen and progesterone and they are responsible for the release of the egg when you ovulate. Normally, the follicle dissolves once ovulation ends but at other times it keeps growing. This is how one of the most common types of ovarian cysts is formed. The result of this overgrown follicle is a functional cyst, meaning one that started during normal function of your ovaries during your menstrual cycle.
Causes of ovarian cysts that are functional are the same although there are two different types. A follicular cyst is one that forms around the middle of your menstrual cycle. When your brain releases luteinizing hormone to signal the follicle with the egg to release it but the follicle fails to do so, the follicle will grow and continue to turn into a cyst. This type of functional cyst is usually harmless, painless, and will disappear on its own within a few menstrual cycles.

The corpus luteum cyst results when the luteinizing hormone signals the follicle and then the egg is released through a rupture. The follicle develops into the corpus luteum but the escape opening where the egg ruptured the follicle seals off and begins to accumulate fluid. This turns the corpus luteum into a cyst. Although the causes of ovarian cysts that are functional are similar and occur at the same time, the cysts themselves can cause different symptoms.
The corpus luteum cyst usually disappears on its own in a few weeks but it may grow to almost four inches in diameter and has the potential to bleed into itself or cause the ovary to twist. If it fills with blood, the cyst may rupture and cause internal bleeding that is accompanied by sharp, sudden pain. The fertility drug clomiphene citrate is one of the causes of ovarian cysts of this type. Although ovulation plays a part in the formation of the corpus luteum cysts, they will not prevent or interfere with a resulting pregnancy.
While this explains the ways that the two different types of functional cysts are formed, the causes of ovarian cysts aren’t really known. Some professionals believe that a woman’s overall health, weight, personal history, lifestyle, and diet may play a role. There are also many that believe her state of mind, including stress and anxiety, may contribute to the development of ovarian cysts.
Some cysts are without symptoms while others cause swelling, bleeding, aching, and sharp pain. Even the intensity and duration of the pain will vary greatly from woman to woman. Some women also have symptoms of constipation, problem urinating, irregular menstrual periods or missed periods, or a feeling of pressure in the lower abdomen.
Since the causes of ovarian cysts are not known, there are no real methods of prevention to keep you from developing them. It is important to always go to your doctor anytime you experience any unusual or severe pain or unusual menstrual cycles to eliminate other serious conditions that cause similar symptoms as those associated with ovarian cysts.
Never assume ovarian cysts will just go away!