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Ovarian Cysts Causes

The Ovarian Cysts Causes

As many as 75% of women are estimated to develop ovarian cysts during their lifetime. These are fluid-filled sacs that somewhat resemble blisters and are most common among women during their reproductive years. Most are harmless and go away without treatment. There are not a lot of theories on ovarian cysts causes but most experts agree that the most common type of functional ovarian cysts are the result of an improperly concluded process from the release of the egg during fertilization.

Corpus luteum ovarian cysts causes occur when, during ovulation, a follicle, which is a cyst-like structure, is formed inside the ovary. When the egg is released during ovulation, the follicle ruptures. The corpus leteum forms from the empty follicle and then dissolves when pregnancy doesn’t take place. When the corpus leteum fails to dissolve for whatever reason, it results in a functional ovarian cyst.

A corpus luteum cyst will usually disappear in a few weeks but it can grow to almost four inches in diameter. It may also bleed. If the ovary twists and cuts off the blood supply, you may experience pelvic or abdominal pain. It the cyst fills with blood, it may rupture and cause internal bleeding accompanied by sudden, sharp pain.

There are other ovarian cysts causes for other types of ovarian cysts which are considered to be abnormal. Dermoid cysts are those which are filled with fat or occasionally with various types of tissues such as hair, teeth, skin or cartilage because they contain the cells that produce human eggs. When they become large, they may cause the ovary to shift from its normal position in the pelvis which causes them to twist around and can cause severe abdominal pain but they are rarely cancerous.

Another type of abnormal cysts is endometrioma cysts. Endometrioma cysts causes are from tissue that is similar to the lining of the uterus attaching to the ovaries. Endometrioma cysts are also referred to as “chocolate cysts” due to their brownish color from being filled with blood and they are associated with a condition known as “endometriosis”.

There are a number of different types of ovarian cysts. Causes vary for each type but symptoms can be very similar. A follicular cyst can form when ovulation does not occur or when the mature follicle collapses on itself. This type of cyst occurs at the time of ovulation and can reach more than two inches in diameter. When it ruptures, you can experience a severe pain on the side that the cyst is on. This pain occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. While both the corpus luteum and the follicular ovarian cysts’ causes are similar, their symptoms vary greatly whereas a hemorrhagic or follicular cyst will both produce pain on one side of the abdomen.

A woman may have a condition known as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, a condition that is characterized by numerous cysts on her ovaries. Many ovarian cysts’ causes include a failure to ovulate which leads to a disruption in the cycle which causes a breakdown in communication between the hormones, brain, and the ovaries.

Although the ovarian cysts causes are as varied as the types of cysts themselves, the one commonality among them is that most types can cause pain. However, for some women, no pain is ever experienced!