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Complex Ovarian Cysts

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There are many factors that can determine how your doctor may deal with complex ovarian cysts. These kinds of cysts can be more serious than ordinary ovarian cysts. When a cyst falls into the complex category, it is because the cyst is made up of both liquid and solid components. The complex type is the more serious of ovarian cyst. While they all can be harmless, the complex ones can be dangerous if they rupture. Surprisingly, you may never even know you have any type of ovarian cyst.

Risk Factors You Should Know

As with most medical conditions, there are risk factors to keep in mind. Some of the risk factors for complex ovarian cysts include your previous history with ovarian cysts. You could be more prone to serious or large cysts if you have dealt with cysts before.

Another risk factor is having irregular periods. A lot of people take birth control pills to keep their periods regular. When you are not on oral contraception and you have sporadic and unpredictable periods, you may be prone to cysts. The age at which you started your period also is a risk factor. Anyone who had their period at the age of 11 or younger is much more likely to have cyst problems in the future.

You may be at risk for complex ovarian cysts if you are obese. An unhealthy amount of upper body fat can lead to reproductive issues including cysts. Keeping a healthy weight can help those in other risk categories lower the chances of cysts.

Having a thyroid condition also plays a role in your risk of developing ovarian cysts. Hypothyroidism and other hormone imbalance issues put you at higher risk of cysts.

If you are undergoing breast cancer treatment, you will find yourself in a high risk category for complex ovarian cysts. Unfortunately, the cancer fighting drug Tamoxifen can increase the chance you will develop ovarian cysts.

Most women do not realize the role genetics play in reproductive health. If your mother and other women in your family have cyst issues, chances are you will too. There is a proven genetic link you should not ignore.

Detection of Ovarian Cysts

If you are in any of these risk categories for ovarian cysts, getting regular exams is important. Your doctor should be aware of the risk factors and how your history fits in with these. Since most cysts discovered during normal exams, they will be able to pay close attention to your ovary health. This will ensure they detect any changes before they become too serious. Since complex ovarian cysts can become serious quickly, you will want to always be sure and keep up with regular appointments.

If after an exam, you doctor believes you may have a cyst, there are several steps they will take to be sure. They may do an endovaginal ultrasound. This will allow them to determine the exact kind of cyst you may have. There are other tests they can use to determine the seriousness of your case. A CT scan or MRI may be done too. One blood test which is common is a CA 125 blood test. This particular blood test for cancer antigens and will quickly rule out ovarian cancer. Once ovarian cancer has been ruled out, most women are mentally prepared to treat the cyst as their doctor’s see fit.

Keeping the doctor informed about any complex ovarian cysts risk factors and following the tests and treatment recommendations should result in a full and healthy recovery.

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