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Ovarian Cyst Dermoid

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Being diagnosed with an ovarian cyst can be a scary experience if you have not had reproductive issues or problems in the past. While most ovarian cysts can be simply watched and will go away on their own, others can pose greater problems. Ovarian cyst dermoid is a type of complex ovarian cyst that can create a whole host of problems if it is not dealt with. This kind of complex ovarian cyst may rupture and endanger the woman.

This type of cyst can be tricky to find and diagnosis. It actually is typically discovered during routine exams. This type of cyst is also more common than you may expect. They can account for up to one-third of all benign ovarian tumors found in women.

Makeup of a Dermoid Cyst

Ovarian cyst dermoid can be disturbing for some because of their make up. They form from a single cell in the ovary. This single human cell is able to develop into many different types of tissues. Therefore, this kind of cyst is not just composed of liquid and solid pieces with no real distinction. It can actually contain or be made up of hair, cartilage, sweat glands, nerves, muscle tissue, and thyroid tissue. Remarkably, some of these cysts may even have fully formed teeth in them. These factors can sometimes make a diagnosis of ovarian cyst dermoid bothersome for some women.

What Can Be Done

Once a pelvic exam has led to this diagnosis, your doctor will choose the best treatment based on your individual case. The mere size of some of these particular complex cysts can be reason enough for a doctor to call for immediate removal. Some cysts may only be a few centimeters in size. Even this size can cause a great deal of pain. Other cysts can grow to be as large as 17 inches. This size cyst can be life threatening.

Removal of any cyst this size will be done immediately. The larger the ovarian cyst dermoid is, the riskier the surgery can be. There are medications the doctor can prescribe which will shrink the cyst. This is the optimal solution if it works. If the cyst is already too large or does not respond to medication, surgery may be unavoidable.

Aside from size, these complex cysts can actually twist in the ovary and interfere with normal blood flow. This can lead to damage of the ovary itself. This twisting of the cyst creates severe pain for the woman. When the pain becomes too much to bear, a woman may insist on the cysts removal. It can and does interfere with normal daily life for some.

One bright spot concerning ovarian cyst dermoid is the fact that they are rarely cancerous. They also rarely interfere with fertility if they are treated correctly. There is usually no reason a woman with this kind of cyst can not have a normal pregnancy.

For some women, the cysts pose no real problems and are not even noticed. There are many cases where a woman is diagnosed with this type of complex cyst during an exam and has felt no symptoms. While some will have severe discomfort, there are those who are shocked to hear they have an ovarian cyst dermoid. As with most reproductive issues, the signs and symptoms can be as individual as the women who suffer from them.

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